Tuesday, June 17, 2008


It's heartbreaking when you're trying to get Chad's attention, but he's more interesting in his stupid beer bong than you. And you're left standing there, in your underwear. Welcome to every day of my life.


Beverly said...

for a very long time the name "Chad" has been our working code for dudes who look just like that. What do you call a next level Chad? Chazz...that's when you know it's gotten beyond bad.

Anonymous said...

That girl has some big ol thighs and hips. I can see why he loves the skinny beer bong better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the super high quality party pictures. You know, it always makes me happy to see other happy people. This is why we started our party page, PartyRetard.com is a collection of beautiful Hungarian party people. Come, visit our country, enjoy Hungary's finest clubs! :)

Anonymous said...

she isn't even matching, slut!

Anonymous said...

From glancing through the rest of the photos on "chad's" flickr page it's obvious why she can't get his attention. It's due to the fact that she has a vagina rather than a penis

Anonymous said...

haahaha :D first things first, beer before women.

more funny partypics:

PainfulTaco said...

I love your blog! Very funny stuff there.