Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Grossest Beer Bong

At first this made me uncomfortable because I was focused on how weird it is to do a beer bong while sitting down.  Something just doesn't seem right - it's not a fine brandy or glass of merlot.  It's like pooping standing up.

Then I looked at what was in that bong.  And it's not beer.  It's some creamy milky substance; it looks like either a bong of Bailey's Irish Cream or else it's some guy named Bailey O'Doyle's special cream if you know what I mean.

Either way, O'Doyle rules.


Anonymous said...

It's probably beer foam

Santos L. Halper said...

Hmm, it might be a wheat beer. Like Blue Moon or something. Which, honestly, probably makes it even more homoerotic.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's moloko plus. Sharpens you up for a bit of the old ultra-violence...

Anonymous said...

looks like foam to me... but what's up with the extra bit of red in his hands... does that novice have a flow control?

Bernie said...

Lol this is quite interesting...hahaha

Joshua Xalpharis said...

It was a matter of time before laziness found the party.