Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An eHarmony Match Made in Heaven

I don't want to brag, but I'm something of a matchmaker. One time I set up two friends on a date, and after a few dates, the girl reported that the guy was aggressive and left her threatening voicemails. What a success! It's like the time my friend Megan wanted a millionaire, and I set her up with this really sweet guy Ryan. Eat it,!

Well, I've done it again! I finally found a soulmate for our favorite poodle loving bachelor:

You can thank me in the program notes at the wedding.
Footnote: Check out the photostream of the Flickr user who had the black poodle photo for a trove of old found photos. Also check out their blog at You won't regret it.


Anonymous said...

My favorite part is that Megan might have to testify at the trial at some point. Jaysus Christ, I can't wait for the L&O ripped from these headlines

DoeHands said...

OMG I am so dumfoundedly ecstatic that you mentioned the Megan Wants a Millionaire status that I can't say anything else about it, much like VH1's pulling all the web content today. CAR AYZ AY!

DoeHands said...

ps I think I meant scandal, not status. Way to go, no preview her comments lady!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

What a pimp!

ModernSophist said...

Meanwhile, thank you for your recent tweet about the Bunnyfling. It has led me to the discovery of a profile of one mr. Pornovore. Besides holidays, uncles, and all things Japanese, this creepy, bespectacled gentleman has also taken away from me any joy I might have otherwise felt about being online with no pants on, realizing he is probably doing the same. I want that joy back. You owe me my no pants time.

kdub_nyc said...

She's out of his league.

Anonymous said...

What's the original awesome-guy-with-poodz link?

or what's it tagged under?

I want to facebook this noise.

AurorasBored said...

I'm kind of in love with that old lady actually.