Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Your Hostess Is Not Amused

Not at all amused you spilled your Miller Chill all over her carpet.

Strangely, this is the exact same face she'll be making when you see her at this same angle and you're spilling something else. You know, after a few Miller Chills. Catch my Tokyo Drift? I'm talking about taking it on the chin like a man. This joke is stupid and borderline misogynistic. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

omg jizz---a all over ur....

Cris said...

Katie, when are we going out on a date? I'll let you buy...

PartyPooped said...

I'll be at the Chipotle on 6th and 14th at 8pm, holding a red carnation.

Unknown said...

the one next to hanami? awesome!

but, i'm out of town this week. :(
can you meet me on fire island next weekend for lesbian dodgeball? the after-party never fails to amuse...

Jockohomo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It's the senator's daughter in the film "Silence of the Lambs". She is cleaning up after getting the hose again.

The818 said...

I effing love you.

Anonymous said...

Apology not accepted.
