Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Finally! The rift between Dudes Who Love to Drink Too Much and Dudes Who Smoke Too Much Weed has been mended! It's been a long frosty cold war between alcoholics and stoners for many years - stoners are always on their high horse about how alcohol is more worse for you than pot, and alcoholics hate stoners because they don't keep enough beer in their fridge and never want to go out to bars.

This picture of these two flashing peace signs makes me teary-eyed. Do you see this, Isreal and Palestine? I think you might want to learn a little lesson here.


shade said...

Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends...

Anonymous said...

Those aren't peace signs. Showing back of hand with V for Victory fingers means "up yours".

Just sayin...

PartyPooped said...

anon, when a guy in a Bob Marley shirt is showing you two fingers, he usually is signaling its time to pass his joint back.

robin said...

it takes one to know one, doesn't it?

love your photo explanations.

Miss Yvonne said...

Bon voyage to hate, mo fo's!

Adam Snider said...

Anon 12:43 - I think that's only true in the UK, and I'm assuming these guys are American.

terriblist said...

I think that;s the full Choose Your Own Adventure set behind them.

Anonymous said...

i love their matching shelves + the pepsi cans turned to match their yin yangish logos

Virgtastic said...

I was about to close this page a bit disappointed because I didn't see anything interesting in the background, until I read Anon 7:02... good eyes on the Pepsi cans. My sight is now failing with age :(