Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Nice faces


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

You have no idea how hard I am laughing.

hard liquor; soft holes said...

apparently, k-hole is a kind of facial expression.

Anonymous said...

from argentina
i gotit pictures like this
a lot

Jenny DeMilo said...

Is that an after party for the Special Olympics?

Anonymous said...

why are all their eyes closed? zombie attack

Uri said...

Horrible faces but interesting blog.

see u

Anonymous said...

I freaking love this one. Each partygoer looks more out of it and disturbed and possibly mentally challenged than the next. Sheer genius!

Anonymous said...

If the look on her face doesn't identify the quality of her character immediately enough, the silver and turquoise bracelet will.

Unknown said...

Dude at the back, mate, give yourself a round of applause for you have clearly discovered your limit to how much E you can do in one night.

Anonymous said...

Someone let off a Spaz-bomb

Anonymous said...

if someone published a photo of me this high on E, i would make them take it down - what would my kids say?

fearless tall dude killer said...

Must have seen that picture a hundred times, and I never noticed it was called glasgow.jpg. Mon ye bams.

Anonymous said...

Night of the Semi-living Dead

Anonymous said...

Hahahah !
Usually when me & my friends take drunken group photos (yea, something you just must do at every party) everyone else ends up looking pretty and smiling and I end up looking like something like this :-D

like here:

Anonymous said...

The guy on the right looks like he was drawn by Jack Kirby