Monday, December 12, 2011

Bro Pile

You've heard of a beeramid, but this is specific frat refinement: a bro-amid.  A pyramid of bros.
BTW, why you can always tell Boston guys even without their Red Sox hats?  I can tell so immediately if someone is from Boston.  I guess maybe LA is like that?  I don't think you can spot other cities so easily.  Maybe I'm just biased because I'm so familiar with the Boston Bro.


K said...

The cases of Keystone Light are always a dead giveaway of the Boston Bro.

Anonymous said...

my god, it's full of tools

Ken said...

I can always tell Detroit bros.. they're all about fun run and intramural sports t-shirts.

Anonymous said...

da puka shells are also a dead giveaway

Anonymous said...

What is ist with many Americans that they worship wishy-washy "light beer" with only 3% alcohol? This has nothing in common with real beer...

Lara said...

This made me laugh out loud - shit, I can recognize a Boston boy in Australia. It's a distinct flavour of bro - all cargo shorts and embarassing man necklaces. LET 1999 GO, BOYS.