Monday, May 10, 2010

My New Boyfriend

Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Tyler. We're in love.


Austen said...

Are the dreads attached to his head or to the hat? I TOTALLY WANT IT TO BE THE HAT

blackfoot said...

...when are you due?

Anonymous said...

I'm "Tyler", and yes, the dreads are attached to that hat. I can't rock them by myself.

TILTE said...


Unknown said...

I just want to punch people like this in the face. Without warning. They just do stupid shit like this for attention. Hey look at me... I'm edgy and cool like that! Like in high school when all the dorks that no one talked to all turned goth and started hanging out together. Fuckin losers!

Anonymous said...

Oi, that's a wee bit uncalled for. It's just a hawaiian shirt and a goofy hat put on for laughs.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe Kevin is still working out some issues. Don't worry, I'm sure people like you too. Unless you know the situation the picture was taken in, you kinda look like a dick making assumptions

Unknown said...

@SteelToad: Really??? Does anyone on this site know the situation these pictures were taken in? Isn't it the whole point of this site to make fun of pictures and the people/situations in them? Quit being such a Debbie Downer and laugh once or twice. Its good for you.

P.S. Fuck you asshole. Your a dick. Say something funny or shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

@Kevin, dude, you're saying enough funny stuff for both of us. I'm sure people are laughing hard enough at you to just coast past my response still laughing. But if you want something funny click on the original picture to follow it back to flickr, you'll see something funny there.

Evil said...
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Evil said...

@Kevin: You wanted to punch the kids that no one hung out with because they offended you - by hanging out with each other? Wow are you ever a douche!

Unknown said...

@SteelToad: Touche my good man! I have to give you credit for taking that as well as you did. If someone was picking on my kid, I might have to choke a bitch.

P.S. You still fail at life for raising such a loser. I bet your basement smells like swamp-ass and bong water.

Anonymous said...

No worries, as balonymanx (yes really the subject of the picture) said, it's just a Hawaiian shirt and a goofy hat put on for fun.