Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Overdressed vs. Underdressed

Whether or not you think it's better to be overdressed or underdressed for a party is kind of like if you like summer or winter better.  The problem is when it's 90 degrees and you're sweating, January sounds pretty nice, but your mind doesn't actually remember the sensation of how crummy it felt to be so cold.

I think most people think as a general rule it's better to err on the side of overdressed, because if you're going to feel awkward, at least you'll look good.  But even so, it's hard to remember exactly how much it does suck to be the only one in a sequined ball gown with a daringly tantalizing neckline when everyone else is wearing their sweats and the free t-shirt given out for their son's basketball league.


I guess what I'm saying is either way, you're screwed and life is horrible.


Cris said...

It's worse on a date.

Like when someone tells you they're going to surprise you by taking you someplace special, but they're too retarded to know that they have to specify attire or you'll end up dressed for the opera at that stupid ballgame/trip to the "best barbecue shack in town!!!1!"

Anonymous said...

also, you need new friends. seriously, if your pals are throwing a "party" where all you do is sit on the floor and knit in your natty old sweats... get some new pals.

(nothing against knitting! but you don't knit at a party.)

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic set on flicker. There is a pic of Michelle a few before this one that looks suspiciously like Normal Joe, who comes just a pic or two before that. :l

Farber said...

That shim (she/him) on the couch looks like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber.

Farber said...

Apparently "woman with wine glass in cleave" is named Sheril.(per this flickr stream).

something tells me that after the kids went to bed this group broke out the Crisco oil and let their freak flags fly.

NickyJ said...

My guess is Dressy Bessy was invited to watch the game by her sympathetic roommate who found her sitting in the kitchen 2 hours after her date was supposed to pick her up.

(I just made myself sad.)

Mad Jack McMad said...

I don't think you should make fun of her just because she decided to dress in the traditional costume of her Huttese people.

Miss Soggy Smog said...

Jabba No Wonga

Anonymous said...

let us grant them this their wiccan superbowl party just this once