Monday, December 21, 2009

Peeing in the Pool

Sometime this past summer, a study came out that 1 out of 5 people admit to peeing in the pool.  I say that means 4 out of 5 people are fucking liars. 

Point is, I see at least 5 people in this pool, and I have a good guess on who it is that's going to activate the purple dye.


Bro_d said...

You know that the "purple dye" thing is a myth, right?

Anonymous said...

katie, can you please make a facebook page for "sorry i missed your party"??
im running out of obscure things to become a fan of

Anonymous said...

looks like she's used to holding things like that

FuriousGeorge said...

I thought you were talking about Will Smith in the back.

blackfoot said...

totally will smith.

high five furious george.

Stu Shea said...

I thought it would be Joe 1989 there on the left...

Anonymous said...

He looks more like the guy who sang "I'm the one who said grab 'em in the biscuits"

Anonymous said...

...from Digital Underground.