Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Doctor Will See You Now

Ripping massive bongloads is a science, so it makes perfect sense you'd want to wear puppy themed nursing scrubs while doing it.  Besides, you don't want to spill bongwater or blood on your regular clothes, right?


SLEBBO! said...

haha! the flickr-account from wich the picture came from is fucking GOLD. I specially love this one:

Drugs and dungeons & dragons, can there be a better combination? Not what i can think of

Unknown said...
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leila said...

Oh my god and she is pregnant! What a terrible person!

-- said...

I'm pretty sure those scrubs are from Banfield (the terrible vet clinics that are found inside of Pet Smarts). I wish I didn't know that, but I have sadly worked there.

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