Saturday, November 7, 2009

Enjoying a Frosty Brew

See more of this babe at Gross n00dz.


Neal said...

now you're just trying to make trouble.

will said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PartyPooped said...

Well, I purposely posted this on a Saturday so that people wouldn't have to see it at work. So there. I'm thinking of you, dear readers.

Unknown said...

thank you pooper!

The Clone of Francisco Barrera said...

Everyone knows work and parties do not mix - and when they do, someone gets nailed in the supply closet. And that is not a euphamism.

Anonymous said...

"old beer"?

lagunatic said...

Did I miss that issue of Vogue where it said that the curl of your bangs must match that of your pubes? Guess so. I'll bbl...I need to replenish my supply of hot rollers.

Virgtastic said...

Good god! Like Man Thursday you should have an un-MILF Saturday. Someone needs to put some cocoa butter on dem ashy elbows.