Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rave All You Can Rave

Somewhere, someone tripping out of their minds on horse tranquilizers and children's Nyquil is listening to Sasha and Digweed and telling a girl in a furry bikini, "if we could just give a glow stick to each soldier and let them dance and feel the P.L.U.R., it would stop all wars."


Meanwhile, somewhere a soldier is telling another soldier how to use glowsticks strategically during nighttime warfare to better prevent themselves from getting killed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lack of jest.

PartyPooped said...

didn't you know this blog was always about hawkish politics?
actually, i just forgot to paste in the photo of the teen ravers. whups. updated. YA HAPPY?

bubbledumpster said...

the girl on the left is a shining beacon of hotness in an a sea of ugliness.

Paul said...

The girl at second left is weighed down by all the toys hanging from her neck. Lesson: accessorising means making choices, not carrying the contents of your room with you.

Y.S.G.L said...


matt said...

those girls on top are definitely not at the Chechnya Rebel Rave 2008

Anonymous said...

wow they look so ... young. guess they weren't warned how all that plastic can seep through sweaty skin and fry your brain.

Anonymous said...

A Pokemon rave? Seriously? The way to pick up underaged girls is now via Pokemon? Wtf....

Paul said...

So i herd u liek Mudkips...

Anonymous said...

oh junior high raves...those were the days...