Friday, January 30, 2009

Well Done.

An anonymous person sent me these pictures along with the description:

"this was this guy's first night out of jail in 3 months. so he eats a shit ton of ramen, washing it down with whiskey. kills almost a whole bottle to himself, pukes on his chest, pants, and the floor and passes out. we went over there at 2 30 or so to find our friend taping his arm to the couch, coloring his nipples, and drawing a star of david on his forehead, along with a frenchie moustache."


r00tgurl said...

so wrong, yet so appropriate at the same time.

Robert H said...

Did they shave his head too?

Le Chien Solide said...

I like the pieces of ramen stuck to his chest hairs

Anonymous said...

That dude is PUNK ROCK personified.

Unknown said...

The star of david on his forehead is super classy.

Anonymous said...

they painted his nails too haahha

Anonymous said...

nobody parties like punk rockers

Anonymous said...

Up the punx! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. That guy in the beer helmet is my cock sucker abusive high school ex boyfriend. He looks like sht, apparently time has done him no favors. That always feels good to see. Thank you for posting this!

Jessica said...


I needed that laugh. Thank you.

MidWaste said...

Brewers suck!