Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bad Kids

I was a good kid when I was a teenager. I didn't skip school. I didn't mouth off to my parents. I did all my homework and was polite to my teachers.

And now that I'm older and wiser, not a day goes by that I don't look in the mirror and loathe the person staring back for all the wasted years spent as such a total wussbag.


Anonymous said...

Great pic! Sets me in the mood for gettin drunk, high and messed up right away!

Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

dont be so hard on yourself. you wouldve never been inspired to create the coolest website of all time without this regret & shame.

Anonymous said...

good years have passed.. :7

Anonymous said...

Haha I know most of these people! And they arn't "Bad" kids, just mildly retarded.

Anonymous said...

It's ok. I still love you. Well, at I love your blog, which is like totally the same thing, right?

PartyPooped said...

I'm desperate for approval, so I'll take it anyway I can get it.

thehistoryofmyfuture said...

i actually really love this photo.

i can just smell the hormones and natty light breath.

Anonymous said...


Sybil said...

anonymous 12:08

it's spelled POSEURS

Anonymous said...

I'm a goody-two-shoes turned black sheep. I love it.. My in-law's on the other hand... heh. Love the site!

Anonymous said...

I really like how this picture was taken. Props to the photographer

Anonymous said...

Being a "bad", 40-downing, train-hopping punk kid *was* pretty damn awesome. But having a half-decent GPA would have been nice, too.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love downin' 40s and scrounging change to go to shows and pulling of a good GPA with teachers that like you. best of both worlds, I tell ya

Anonymous said...

Looks To me Like theres Drinking And Sexual tension pretty sure those two guys got laid under that bridge

Unknown said...

Yeah but at least you don't have herpes. Or I don't. I mean. these people sort of look like a herpes party.

Anonymous said...

I bet that guy at the back is thinking: "God, I work the hardest at my (really,really rad) hair, have the most bad-ass expression, and I STILL don't get to the front of the picture?"