Thursday, June 12, 2008

Irish For a Day

Yes, I know it's not St. Patrick's Day, but this picture was too good to wait until next year. What an excellent example of the spirit of being "Irish for the day". I would like to show this to every idiot who doesn't think that you have to celebrate St. Patrick's Day if you're not actually Irish.

Sue, Lisa, and Grace here understand what it means to be part of a global community focused around novelty beer.


brendan donnelly said...

this picture is racist. as an irish man i'm offended that asian girls are having more fun than me on my peoples holiday....and they can get away with wearing foam hats and not getting jumped.

Anonymous said...

Charleys! Ann Arbor, ftw

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's in Ann Arbor!
Oh wait, someone else already said that...