Thursday, January 12, 2012

Juggalettes Against Drinking and Driving

I know what you're thinking.  "Gee, Katie, this isn't too interesting.  Some girl drinking a bottle of barcadi out of a plastic take-out cup while in the driver's seat? Snoozefest."

Well would it impress you more if I showed you how this was tagged on Flickr?
Yeah, I thought so.


Anonymous said...

I dont get it?

bubbledumpster said...

what is gandy?

PartyPooped said...

it's way cooler once you know it's juggalo related. that's the joke.

Anonymous said...

More importantly, is "bech" a misspelling of "beach"? Or "bitch"? Or some weird combination of both?


Patrick said...

I'm normally pretty tolerant, but if some politician ran on a platform of rounding up all ICP fans into reeducation camps, I would probably vote for them.

Anonymous said...

patrick, i love you.

Patrick said...

I know.

Dicomedy said...

I really wish they'd just find Juggalo Island so they can leave our world and just do their own thing. The place would probably make Amsterdam look like Singapore. And in about 2 or 3 generations, it'd be a whole island filled with people akin to TCM's Sawyer family.

Christina said...

Mannn the Juggalettes are where it's at they should def check out