Friday, August 19, 2011

Double Duty

Women complain about how they're jealous of men for the convenience of peeing while standing up.  But men will never know the delight of the surprise when you sit down to go pee, and all of a sudden you realize a poop is coming out. 

To men, pooping is a scheduled event - you have to make the decision to sit instead of stand; you have to have a plan of attack when you enter the bathroom. In fact, I bet many men have rarely ever experience the poop/pee simulcast in their lives.

Thanks to Leaf Dude for this.


Anonymous said...

where are the orig photos. I want to see the whole photo stream

PartyPooped said...

sorry, i only have just that pic, no source.

Anonymous said...

Things I was not prepared to see today, near the top of the list.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like a no-wiper, but something tells me that she is going to just pull up her pants and walk away. Her date is going to later regret that decision.

Anonymous said...


Patrick said...

I am both appalled and impressed!

Anonymous said...

This should be a National Geographic cover; it has a very momentous feeling to it. "Life" magazine photo of the year. This should go back to publishing that just for this.

Anonymous said...

damn, i love the artistic "through the branches" shot. oh wait, that's just creepy.

Amy said...

I was going to liken this picture to a car crash--I can't take my eyes away from it for some repulsive reason. But, car crashes don't usually make me want to projectile vomit. So, it has now created it's own category in my mind.

Anonymous said...

"Double Duty"


"Double Doodie"

(you're welcome)

Anonymous said...

looks like a party poop.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the thing that makes me think this is real is that her face is red, like mine gets when...well, like it is right now as I type this and take a dump...

Anonymous said...

in europe we stand up for our rights but we sit down when we piss so mostly all caring dudes know how it is when u pee and finaly let a snickers flow.....

Anonymous said...

What the heck? That's the longest turd I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I am a dude who has peep, pooped, and puked at the same time. I opted to get the pee and puke in the toilet and the duke on my pants. Food poisoning is a bitch. This photo will stay with me longer than that experience.

Anonymous said...

You know when you see something gross and can't stop looking at it? Yeah.

Also why is it so smooth? That doesn't seem right.

Kate said...

is anyone suddenly in the mood for hotdogs?

Anonymous said...

Don't do that again!

Zoe said...

Oh my giddy gods pajamas did not expect that! it looks like a boomerang