Thursday, March 24, 2011

When the Love Isn't Mutual


Anonymous said...

Nice swaztika on her shirt

Halfwattrocker said...

Glad to see that Terry Richardson is finally getting the cold shoulder from everyone these days, including Nazi bottom-feeders.

Anonymous said...

Do you think she denied him from making a master race aryan child because she wants someone that both loves white pride AND understands her inner Leigh Bowery?

Mad Jack McMad said...

Yeah, sometimes a skanky neo-nazi skinhead chick just wants to be treated like a lady for once...

Also, Beauregard here got drunk and forgot to bring the gasoline for the cross burning again, so she's understandably a little peeved.

Anonymous said...

That's a ghastly flickr stream.

British neo-Nazis look particularly pathetic. So pasty looking. Not really broadcasting "master race" here with that hairdo, lady.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit re-checked the photostream and it's Judd from Sex Vid's flickr. Not a neo-nazi (but has some pictures of them on there). He used to sell me pizza, super great guy.

Dave said...

Boy George?

Anonymous said...

Skins. BARF.

Anonymous said...

My computer smells terrible now. Thanks a lot.

Coorain said...

I've been in this relationship.