Monday, September 20, 2010

World's #1 Stoner Girl

I've seen a lot of photos on Flickr that would make any parent or guidance counselor cringe with how stupid young people can be about posting incriminating stuff on the internet. But this girl has blown any of these out of the bongwater by a headshop. In addition to photos of her nerdy boyfriend and her dog, her Flickr is full of picture after picture after picture of herself smoking weed out of a variety of bongs, joints, and pipes.

At first I was aghast, but the more I looked through her photostream, the more I was kind of charmed by her. She's so adorable and guileless; it made all this illicitness seems so innocent, what could be addiction comes off instead as exuberance and a artistic dedication to documenting daily bong-rips.

And because I know you want it:

Now, before you go proposing marriage to her, I should warn you - she's also batshit crazy:

Lesson is: drugs don't make you crazy, and not everyone who is crazy does a lot of drugs, but everyone who does a lot of drugs IS crazy. Sorry kids, that's just the rules. No exceptions. 

Wow, this post turned into a real fucking bummer. Just like real life. Sighsies.


Anonymous said...

She lives in San Francisco, this is normal there.

Anonymous said...

Do they try to make her go to rehab?

Anonymous said...

This is every girl on Tumblr.

john said...

It really is a bummer. Here's the quote on the photo of her arm: " many years of progress out the window. regret this shit for sure."

Yea, cutting often begins about middle school. Strongly indicative of a life on the edge of going down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how depressed that crap truly makes you after daily used over the course of a few years. Finally got of the crap myself and i'm a happier person without it!

Anonymous said...

Her tattoo is on her left arm in post of the pictures, but then in a couple it's on her right arm?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Oh, Katie. Posts like this are why I keep coming back.

Jesika Lin said...

christ almighty woman. smoke enough pot??? i like to smoke a little occasionally but this is making me embarrassed. and glad there are no pictures of me doing so.

Tyler said...

It is all good, she used neosporin on those cuts.

Anonymous said...

She probably won't regret this pot smoking ALBUM on the intertube...naaahh no big deal.

Paging Miss Dumas.

kerns said...

Way to ruin the party!!

Anonymous said...

i love your blog; it cracks me up. and yeah, obviously it shows a lot of people in compromising positions but most of them should have known better/were asking for it. this is different, though - especially the last three pictures. it looks to me like a cry for help or an expression of pain.

i really think you should remove this.

Anonymous said...

She is 20 as of last week and goes to a really great Art School in SF. So many talented kids like this smoke there way through school and end up working at Trader Joes never doing there art again. Its sad to me! I am going to follow her on twitter though!

Lawson Laughry said...

Self-mutilation is not typical of a pot smoker. Self-mutilators tend to use and abuse drugs more than an average person, true. However, abuse of cannabis has not been linked to self-mutilation. This is a biased portrayal of cannabis users being self-mutilators. False. Fail. Go learnpractice for thinkgood.

Anonymous said...

This is an accurate portrayal of regular "cannabis users" being total fucking retards.

Always makes me laugh when people who get stoned every day for years think it's no big deal.

Well, guess what? You're burnt! Big deal.

Gillian said...
purple urkel & joey & TRAINWRECK

kevinesse said...

i heart cutters! and pukers!

xochi_ewww said...

cool. i'm the world's number one stoner girl....

Marita said...

Um, I smoke weed all the time and I've never been depressed, ever. Smoking pot doesn't make you depressed unless you already had a tendancy toward it before, and it DEFINITELY doesn't turn you into a cutter. Biased, much?

Anonymous said...

Lmao, this is fucking sad. Find something better to do than attempt to exploit a normal (and very chill) person on flickr. I know you are trying to be nice and shit, but c'mon. Get some hobbies. Blogging shouldn't be one of 'em.

Anonymous said...

You know how many stoner girls are in existence? You're pretty idiotic if you are awed by this girl, even if she is the tits.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, whoever you are, but you are so ridiculous. You have way too much free time on your hands if you have the time to search through the internet at people's "internet lives" and make a blog about it.

please, for the sake of humanity, get a life.

Anonymous said...

You're pathetic as fuck for posting this about her. She can do what she wants, how many people in the world smoke pot? Give me that statistic. And how many people self-mutilate? Give me that one too. They aren't linked. If you took the time to actually read her Tumblr you'd learn about her life and why she does what she does. It isn't for attention, it's part of her story. We all have our own story and hers is just an open book. With more people like her in the world, we'd probably be better off. With more people like you? Well, there'd be a lot more genocides.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. For you to imply that people who smoke weed are crazy is not fair. I smoke almost everyday. I've never once had a problem with it. Pot doesn't make you depressed. Life makes you depressed. Cutting and weed have nothing in common. Get your facts straight before blogging about someone's life.

deb said...

This post makes me furious. I don't know this girl personally but I do follow her on tumblr and tumblr is just a way of expressing yourself and your personality. Just cause she has all these pictures of her smoking doesn't mean she's some huge drug addict. There are actually millions of people like her that do the same thing. You're making her look like some crackhead. Just because what she does is different than what you do doesn't mean that u have to be so judgemental and put her out like this. Let people live the way they want. This girl doesn't live to please you.

BS said...

you're retarded for writing this bullshit, what happened to people expressing themselves? and weed is used for medical purposes so actually kids it's not that bad and i advise everyone to try it. especially you bitch, you need to calm the fuck down and take a bong rip.

Anonymous said...

It's sad how you don't even know this girl but decide to make false accusations about her. If you actually knew her you'd know she was a great girl and that weed helped her through cutting. AND if you also did you're research like a smart human being did, you would know that pot is the least damaging drug out there. I'm not even going to waste any more of my time being nice and just say you're a lifeless prick. If there were more people like her and less like you in the world, It would be a much better place.

xochi_ewww said...


let’s think about how much weed i smoke, and let’s look at the legitimate effects it’s had on me. it helps me deal with my bi-polar disorder. i have a terrible short term memory and i have a difficult time articulating my thoughts sometimes. all the smoke has taken a toll on my lungs but i can still run and ride my bike and walk without dying.

imagine if i drank as much a i smoke. i would be RETARDED. my liver would be just gone. i’d probably smell really bad, and not be able to function normally. just a straight up run down alcoholic. imagine if i smoked cigarettes like i smoke weed. i would have smokers cough like a motherfucker. i would smell terrible. i’d be bitchy and easily irritated. but i guess smoking and drinking until your body is absolutely ruined is okay because it’s not ‘illicit.’

such fucking bullshit. get off my dick. i’ve been smoking for 5 years and i’m still a fully functional member of society.

killtheadvocate said...

Wow, dude. All I gotta say is - you turned this post into saying that you thought it was wrong to put incriminating images on the internet, which is your opinion, and not a completely dickish one - to fucking personally attacking a girl and her friends and whatnot. You really hit low with that last bit, too. And all I have to say is that you're a complete dickhead, really.

Micaela Barrios said...

Now this is coming from someone who doesn't even smoke weed. This post made me so angry, I can't even believe it. You are so ridiculous, it is literally astounding to me. I follow this girl on tumblr. So to me, she's not some random. She is a really awesome human being dealing with life in her own damn way! So what if she smokes weed every day and I don't? It doesn't make a difference. She is a human fucking being inhabiting the same world you do. Realize that. And as for your pathetic little excuse for a blog? First of all, don't make a mockery of someone who has emotional issues. People deal with the shit life throws at them in different ways. Some cut, some work too hard, some have to fuck every five seconds, some drink, and some people fucking smoke weed. Leave her alone! Have you ever heard of live and let live? Who are you to pass judgement on this girl who never even did a thing to you? I hope you're feeling really high and mighty on the the other side of the screen because all you've done is make yourself look like an asshole with nothing better to do than comment and criticize other people's journeys through life. She's a beautiful person inside and out which, from the looks of your blog, is more than I can say for you. To reiterate the point a lot of others made: GET A FUCKING LIFE.

kryseealn said...

It takes a real asshole to call a former cutter batshit crazy.

You obviously have way too much time on your hands; get the fuck off the internet and go get a life.

Unknown said...

LOL sorry but the more people get angry the funnier it is.

Anonymous said...

I know this girl personally.....I was present to several of her parties when she had her apartment back at home. I stopped going because she would just get to the point where she forgot what she was doing. She started acting a fool and making out with whomever was willing to swap saliva with her. Seeing her humiliate herself was pretty sad. I kept it cool but then her other friends started telling me about her tumblr. So I went on it and sure enough there it was....this little poor 20 year old girl posting nude pics of herself and smoking pot. I mean....what if her parents where to see this? After all they do support her by giving her money....but they probably think the money goes to school right? But nah fuck what daddy and mommy think. I guess one day she will realize to keep it In her pants. I feel sorry for her boyfriend too. He seems like a sweet guy but damn if he was only there at these parties before he met her.

Shantee said...

This article disgusted me by the lack of knowledge you have about this girl, your have made assumptions about her that have been portrayed by photographs. This is your perspective on her life, and how dare you make something negative about such a beautiful wonderful person. You should be utterly ashamed that your would write such belligerent non-sense on a topic you have not experienced first hand.

Anonymous said...

This is fucking ridiculous. People deserve to make their own choices, and should be able to use marijuana to medicate themselves if needed. I myself have Bi-Polar disorder, a severe anxiety disorder, and Used To practice self mutilation daily. Since i started smoking, my manic/depressive cycles are less frequent. My anxiety is cut in half. And instead of cutting SEVERAL times a day, i cut about once a year. I have not attempted suicide since i started smoking either. For 5 years this PLANT has helped me get my life back.

She is beautiful, she is unique, and most of all she is not hateful, as you are for posting about someones life and speaking on topics you know nothing about.

Daniel said...

Whatever her real life is, it isn't reflected in the pictures, which show a very sad life. Smoking weed doesn't ruin lives, but there does seem to be a large number of people with terrible lives that smoke weed. Correlation isn't causation, but there is a connection. Tons of successful people smoke, but I've seen a lot of people with problems hid behind it.

Just because other people are actually human beings doesn't mean that people can't make fun of them on the internet. Lighten up, Francis.

And cutting is a bat-shit crazy call for attention. But at least it's not suicide.

Anonymous said...

you are correct. Cutting is a big sign of attention, as well as her tumblr pictures of her nude

Stephen said...

"Get the fuck off the internet and get a life." LOL @ Cognitive Dissonance

* love
* peace
* marijuana
* patchouli

Can patchouli really be an interest???

Anonymous said...

your fucking stupid.... to sit and write about someone you don't even fucking know basically whats your trying to say is you have no life and are in fact depressed yourself so instead of going out and talking to someone like a normal person you go and find people to talk about and make your self feel better? Grow some fucking balls and learn about weed before you attack people,

People like you shouldn't have the privilege of owning a computer.
go read a fucking book and make something of your self.

Stupid fucking cunt.

Anonymous said...

Release the stoner hounds!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit I posted that at 4:20

Anonymous said...

Haha I like it how the people who are stating "get a life" have a life by posting comments for people to get a life.....ironic!

Anonymous said...

Ow that's an obvious cry for help....poor little girl. Can someone give her numbers for a clinic or counsler instead of insults? Ouch

Anonymous said...

get the fuck off her balls man, smoking weed isnt the worst thing in the world.

Anonymous said...

Are you fucking kidding me?
Smoking and self-mutilation have no connection whatsoever. If anything, I'm sure smoking probably HELPED her.
She's an amazing and talented girl.
Who cares that she's a cannabis user? Do you realize how many other people in the world are?
That doesn't make you a bad person, irresponsible, unintelligent, or whatever else you're suggesting.
You make me sick. Educate yourself before you go and make ridiculous posts such as this.

leave me some hate. said...

are you fucking kidding me right now? youre probably the most pathetic piece of shit on the internet. why the fuck do you care what she does? do you personally know her? do you know anything about her? i didnt think so. get the fuck of the internet.

xochitls awesome. i dont know her personally, but i would defend her any day. over anything. fuck you and your ignorance

Crystal said...

i think this is hilarious!! hahahahaha.. she deserves it for putting that shit online!

be what speak, never speak on what you be

Anonymous said...

Rather than stoop to your level, I'm gonna tell you what an amazing person this girl is. I only kicked it with her a few times & was also at some of these parties, but that's besides the point. It would be WRONG of me to put Xochi on blast like you have. In those few times, I built the biggest crush on this girl & the way she is. Take time to get to know somebody! They might change your bullshit, boring life. Her boyfriend is a lucky dude, by the way, but he doesn't need me to let him know.


Anonymous said...

do you have nothing better to do ass hole?

Anonymous said...

you know what the REAL funny thing is?
she's actually out living life to the fullest and enjoying it. Going to school to better herself, sight seeing and taking amazing pictures.

While you, all you do is hide behind your little computer screen and attack people, because if you really met these people in real life and told them face to face what you're saying about them right now, they'll take you to the ground. i would really like to see you get the courage and straight up contact these people personally and tell them what you really think instead of talking smack. this looks like a cry for help and self-esteem issues to me. Having to attack other people to make yourself feel better? What did the plastics not let you sit with them at lunch time and call you a fat ass? yea cuz i'm sure that's what you. i would really like you to meet xoch, so she can fuckin take you down and so you can have something to REALLY complain about.

Anonymous said...

i think YOU were on drugs when you wrote this.

JC said...

Good lord, angry stoner army. Give it a rest already. Yes, if someone publicly post hundreds of pictures of them smoking pot, nude, etc., people might see those pictures. And some of those people might have a reaction other than "wow, that girl must be an amazing person."

If the worst reaction she gets to that is some person on a comedy website trying to make a funny comment about her doing lots of drugs and being crazy, instead of insane stalkers (some of her "defenders" here might fall into that category), or self-righteous anti-drug folks harassing her, then she doesn't have all that much to worry about.

And to the people acting like this post was some anti-pot screed (including the subject of the post, who reacted as if we thought people who smoke cigs or drink excessively are better than potheads): have you looked at the website you are on? I'd say over half the posts are examples of drunken idiots making fools of themselves.

If you're comfortable enough to post those sorts of pictures (whether we're talking about drugs, drinking, or anything) good for you. But, you should also be comfortable with the fact that maybe not everyone will have a 100% positive reaction upon viewing them.

Anonymous said...

I was going to post something, but JC said it best. tumblr stalkers and people that "kicked it" with her at a party: you don't KNOW this girl -- and you're as guilty as what you're hating, which is having an opinion on someone you don't know -- even if you're trying to be positive.

So stop pretending to know this girl.

Rae said...

you need a life actually. stop being so close minded. i have a tumblr ad post the same shit. it's our life. we live it the way we want. sorry you're too jealous of us to actually really get to know us and know that smoking weed has nothing to do with anything. its just like you stupid drinking teens who take pictures of yourselves with red cups and cigs. open your fucking minds. its 2010.

kevinesse said...

wow! most successful post ever!! is this the most responses you've received on a post?...God i hate people who smoke pot, or have opinions, or like sports, or talk, or well everyone really! good job gang!

Anonymous said...

I'm commenter #53 and I've smoked multiple times a day for ten years. If I posted pictures of it online and someone hotlinked photos, well then I'd have to deal with it. You post your life online, expect some lulz.

Anonymous said...

"its just like you stupid drinking teens who take pictures of yourselves with red cups and cigs. open your fucking minds. its 2010."

LOL you're right it IS just like that.

JC said...

Rae said:

"its just like you stupid drinking teens who take pictures of yourselves with red cups and cigs. open your fucking minds. its 2010."

Yes, and that is why they are posted on a site full of "stupid drinking teens taking pictures of [them]selves with red cups and cigs."

I like how these angry potheads apparently think this site is anti-pot, anti-alcohol blog full of stodgy conservatives. Relax, stoners. We are not "The Man," we are not telling you to stop smoking. Go smoke a bowl and calm down already.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you don't know shit about her, dont go posting shit like this when you don't know the full story. low life.

Anonymous said...

Don't go reposting photos someone puts in a public photo-stream on flickr unless you know them!!! J/K

rae said...

go play with your old mans wrinkly dick and calm down.

cause guess what, i don't think what you said i think. thanks.

and fyi, we're all fucking human, so wtf does any of this bullshit matter?

Alex said...

This is girl might smoke a lot of weed, but she's also going to art school. Art school is a lot of work, it is demanding, it requires a lot of thought and dedication. It's not like she's sitting on her ass all day getting high. And even if she was, what's it to you? Just because there aren't pictures documenting the rest of her life, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

So you should probably not write ignorant things with no real substance about a person who you don't know, it makes you look like an asshole.

And really? The cutting? Why would you even put that on a post about smoking too much weed. They have nothing to do with each other, other than the possibility that smoking has actually helped her deal with that problem.

Sara said...

You are a judgmental douche bag. Why the fuck would you waste your time making this blog just to talk shit about a 20 year old girl who is doing pretty much exactly what any other 20 year old in California is doing. You need to get a fucking life. I know Xochitl in real life and unlike that anonymous asshole who talked shit about her I know she is a nice, normal girl and doesn't deserve to be talked about like this.So she has gone through some hardships and has been depressed, does it make you feel better to call her bat shit crazy. I know it just makes you look like a heartless asshole. She is a better person than you will ever be that's for sure. She is a photographer, she takes photos of what she enjoys so what if it's smoking pot there is nothing wrong with that... so fuck off.

Anonymous said...

you seriously took the time to publicly judge this girl? I think you're sad.

JC said...

Yeah, only assholes judge other people, based on what those people post on the internet . . .

Wait a minute . . .

King Shaq said...

Sara is right-- why would you devote an entire blog-- over 600 entries-- to making fun of ONE girl! I mean your entire blog is dedicated to making fun of this ONE person! Shame on you, party pooper.

Also, cocks.

Anonymous said...

I wish you the absolute WORST that this life has to offer for posting this... You are a PATHETIC excuse for a human being. A true waste of chromosomes. Heartless piece of s***.

Evil said...

You know I don't even see what Party Pooper said about her that was all that hostile. Was it the part about her being batshit crazy? Well if you post pics of your self inflicted cuts, then what so you THINK people are going to think? Seriously, PP said nothing abusive about Xochi's (I can use your first name, right? I feel like I know you after all this) pot smoking.

christ, maybe these mellow stoners should mellow out.

simyp roolz said...

you guys are all retarded.
anything you put on the internet is public domain. DEAL WITH IT.

party pooper never made a link between smoking pot and being a cutter..."Lesson is: drugs don't make you crazy" RETARDS

keep up the good work pp i love love loooove yr blog

Anonymous said...

wow, defensive people. do you even realize what blog you're reading? chastising the OP for posting this is a waste of time because she doesn't give a shit. you're not schooling her, you're just sending a bunch of words into the www void. she's posting to provoke a reaction, and well, i guess she did a good job. (good job op. love your blog.) who the fuck cares what somebody says about you on the internet? it's the INTERNET. if words on the internet make you flip the fuck out, you need to take a step back from the computer. go smoke some weed or something and chill.

too lazy to log in and i know you're reading this because you care too much so don't bother telling me i wasted my time too,

anonykins. xoxoxo

swensonate said...

i just fell in love, thank you!

Kevin said...

lmao I love all the people who got here from her tumblr. "GET A LYFE OTHER THAN BLOGGING"...coming from someone who probably follows a tumblr with pictures of someone smoking weed.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha WOW,how can you make accusations like that about someone you dont know..yes you can see her blog & photostream publicly on the internet,but that does not mean you know anything about her..or enough to say those things about her.if you knew anything about anything,you would knoww that girl lives in california where medical marijuana is legal...obviously she has some issues that can be and have been resolved by using marijuana.i dont even want to waste my time on this anymore,your ignorance and self righteousness makes me want to pour bleach in my can you sit there and talk about things you obviously know NOTHING about.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty fucked up how you posted this. How would you feel if someone posted shit like this about you? You probably say you would laugh and think its not a big deal you worthless sick fuck. You don't even know her and you have no right to judge her. Sick blog bro, hope you feel really good about yourself.

Rhodesia said...

First of all, weed helps depression, medical fact. Secondly, those photos of her cutting are OLD. It's not something she does daily. In addition, the reason "Most stoners have terrible lives" as you put it, is because weed is to make their lives BETTER. It's not like they're sitting there, "My life is shit, i'll smoke some pot because that's what people with terrible lives do." It's a medically-proven depression, stress, and anxiety reliever, among a plethora of other things. Xochi is an amazing individual with her priorities in order, doing what she has to do and making her way through college.

Congratulations, you sound like a retard. Maybe you should smoke weed. You can't possibly sound any dumber, so it could only improve you.

Bunny said...

Obviously this blog is about poking a bit of fun at people, fair enough. However posting so many pictures of one person seems a bit cruel and more like a personal attack on her. I don't really like this post, and I like all the rest.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help but post a comment on this. I'm a 16 year old who is a million times more mature than whoever posted this, whom i'm geussing is a legal "adult". I don't know if you were aware, author, but this is a human being. This is a girl with feelings, who posts pictures on the internet that probably don't show her off as a human with a mind and feelings, but who are you to judge? Honestly these pictures aren't even half as repulsive as the fact that another person (who i'm geussing this girl has harmed in no way at all)is calling her "batshit crazy" and claiming that EVERYONE who does alot of drugs is CRAZY. Before you go pointing fingers, take a good look at yourself. Grow up, and quit making an already horrible situation worse. You. are. sick. She shouldn't have posted these on the internet, and because she did, people will see them and bash her just like she asked for it. But why don't we all be a little more mature than that, giving out this attention, only adds to the problem. YOU are the problem. And everyone who commented on this, take a good look at yourself, and go ahead and scroll back up to the pictures while your at it, because all of that is YOU. You're sick people, but i'll leave the rest of the judging to whomever it concerns.

Anonymous said...

I find this funny. The people who keep saying "There is nothing wrong with weed!" cannot seem to use proper spelling and/or punctuation. Either you're just stupid, or smoke so much that you've lost the majority of you brain cells and cannot type a proper sentence.

Anonymous said...

I find this funny. The people who keep saying "There is nothing wrong with weed!" cannot seem to use proper spelling and/or punctuation. Either you're just stupid, or smoke so much that you've lost the majority of you brain cells and cannot type a proper sentence.

Anonymous said...

I find this funny. The people who keep saying "There is nothing wrong with weed!" cannot seem to use proper spelling and/or punctuation. Either you're just stupid, or smoke so much that you've lost the majority of you brain cells and cannot type a proper sentence.