Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm not overly squeamish about the idea of killing for food; I've seen those PETA videos about how gross meat packing plants are where you're supposed to be like "omg I'll never eat meat again!" and was kind of like "meh".  To be honest, this makes me a little more to ralph (warning xxxtremely NSFW). Hakuna matata, big who cares. 

But I'll tell you this:  if you slaughter a chicken right next to my bong, I will have a case of the heebie-jeebes about taking a big rip right off it afterwards. 


被リンクサービス said...

Haha, it's terrible for somebody killing something for food, but to somebody, it's so easy to do that.

SuperRainbowPony said...

except it's a hookah, not a bong. So it's very unlikely there's drugs involved, considering you can see the tobacco container as well.

SuperRainbowPony said...

I fail, don't listen to me, there is totally a bong too.

Unknown said...

Maybe they're just trying to get the chicken high. I don't see any knives or anything. heh.

PartyPooped said...

you don't see the actual blood in this photo, although i think they're breaking its neck. in later photos in the photostream, they are plucking it and cooking it; the chicken's goose is definitely cooked so to speak,

Dave said...

Yea man, see, this is different from support big agro business man, because if I kill it myself it makes me more in tune with the earth, man.

segfault said...

About the NSFW link, AAAAAAUUUUUGH, my eyes!

Stu Shea said...

that's just fucked.

Jamie said...

Considering that he also posted pictures of his pot plants I think it's safe to say there are drugs involved.

Anonymous said...

@superrainbowpony Invisibong!
I missed it the first time too.

Sara O. said...

My grandmother used to raise chickens on her farm and then slaughter them. Did you know that they walk around afterward with their head off? That chicken was so much better than anything we get in teh store. However, I'm grossed out just by cutting up a whole chicken.

Anonymous said...

I like the wedding ring, placed on the table to avoid getting it all bloody.

Talk about respect for the institution of marriage!