Friday, May 21, 2010




Anonymous said...

sweet jesus no

kdub_nyc said...

Legs, good. Stomach AAAAAAAAAAAA MY EYES.

Anonymous said...

I'd fuck shim.

blackfoot said...

dear coca cola bottle:

what has gotten into you?
you're not acting like yourself lately. hope everything is ok. if you ever want to talk, you know i'm here for you.

always & forever,

Brian said...


like to

Brian said...

Mom!!! Dad took my E and ran off in your Halloween costume again!

Anonymous said...

What's with the inverted V sign?

(S)he can totally keep on those shin things in the sack, though. Hot.

Anonymous said...

Can someone clue me in to the raver hand signal code? I have seen similar things before but I am very out of the loop.

Anonymous said...

Dude looks like a lady!!!!

Is shim on it's way to a drug test? What's with the bottle of piss?

Jesika Lin said...

dear brian: thank you for the acronym TILF. i totally dated one. right now im grateful it wasnt a Rave!TILF.

Anonymous said...

That cola bottle looks like it's full of either urine or tea.

T.T. said...

vodka red bull i suppose.

Anonymous said...

She was featured on Intervention. Wacked out of her dome on meth.

Kimbers said...

There's nothing MILF about that.

marisajones said...

i'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that coke is not what is in that bottle/:

Tours of the Vatican said...

Proof of why it is important to dress age appropriate.