Wednesday, May 19, 2010


For some reason, this photo of people sleeping on a Tokyo subway was titled "House Party" on Flickr. 
It's neither a house nor a party.  Discuss.


xabi said...

I vote party.

Gibt keine Freiheit, wenn wir sie nicht nehmen said...

& I vote slumber party.

putch said...

and yet I see neither Kid nor Play in this picture.

Wowewo said...

I believe these fine people might be ON THEIR WAY to what might be a mighty fine house party, clearly getting some sleep before you boogie down the rest of the night would be a sound strategy.

Stuart Shea said...

I think that the E has kicked in, that's all.

elnino545 said...

I just fell out of a pub and people really just looked like this.

john said...

My house parties sometimes look like this.

TILTE said...

i am asian and i can verify, this is in fact how we party.

Coorain said...

Disco nap

Anonymous said...

probably like 1:30am and they are all heading back from gettin herrro drunk at a house party....

Tours of the Vatican said...

Post house party... With all the attendance trying to get home.