Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Good Friday!


Anonymous said...


Jenny said...

WOW...So 2 sets of beads, huh.

She must have been wearing a dress with underwear. 1st set gets her to remove the dress. 2nd set, the underwear...and SHAZAM!

This picture made me choke on my coffee btw. LOL.

kdub_nyc said...

Horrifying. Needs an Australian makeover.

Denny DelVecchio said...

I literally stared at that image for 3-4 full minutes, and not in the way that I'm normally wan to do.

There's just something about it that fascinates me. Like the nude adult female in the foreground just teleported into a trailer park seniors mixer.

Is it wrong that it's sort of hot?

Yours in Love,
Denny DelVecchio

L said...

Pics like this make me glad I keep my pubes.

Fully said...

Her abnormally small head does not go with her shoulders and rest of her body. I was hypnotized by it.

Anonymous said...

She is magnificent. Pure, womanly, beauty!

Anonymous said...

Look at her grin! That was the first tthing I noticed. She's kind of cool.

Anonymous said...

at first i thought it was a dude then i scrolled down.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this be posted on gross noodz?

Anonymous said...

is this a backyard party??

Anonymous said...

Work picnic at Bob Guccione's house.

Anonymous said...

So many questions. Why is she naked and the other people clothed? What time did she start drinking so she thought it was a good idea to take all her clothes off while it was still light? Why has she kept her hat on?

Amazing find.

Mr. Stranger said...

her junk looks like an upside tissue box

TILTE said...

i can't stop staring at this. despite the office security cam above me.

Anonymous said...

The old man in the background is actually not wearing pants:

Anonymous said...

She spends more time on her pubes than on her teeth. Get some floss and a toothbrush, honey!

Virgtastic said...

Nope, yeah. I'm SURE they prescribe antibiotics for that.

Anonymous said...

WHY WHY WHY????!?!!??