Friday, February 26, 2010

Hot Tub Party

Today seems like a pretty good day for a hot tub, right? Nice and snowy and slushy and cold. Makes you think you wouldn't even mind all the bacteria and semen for just a few minutes of hot steamy bliss.

On a related note, if you live in NYC and want to go to a free screening of "Hot Tub Time Machine" this Tuesday evening, email me at
UPDATE: Sorry, all the passes are gone.


dave said...

the duck should be in the hottub with the naked girls.
all im sayin.

Anonymous said...

wtfff happened to man day thursday???

Mike said...

If forced to choose a tub-mate, I'd join the duck.

Anonymous said...

aww, the fat guys look so happy.

Anonymous said...

okay, it took me a day to come up with a good name for the fat guys: they are the Cheery Chubbies

Unknown said...

That's some mighty fine lesbo soup they are brewin'.

Anonymous said...

Lions and tigers and BEARS, Oh MY!

Anonymous said...

wait a minute... a duck in the tub? well in this case there's only two option, one someone leave the window open and the duck get in the tub, or two someone want to prepared a giant duck soup, to this last add a little amount of viagra without prescription to get a better flavor.

Virgtastic said...

I'll take the bear party any day of the week.