Friday, January 29, 2010

Are You "Sure"?

On the sly pit whiff. 


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you want to dance with that fucking hipster?

Lazer said...

I have to admit I was hoping for a little more from the first person to use the term "fucking hipster."

Anonymous said...

i would actually fuck both of those people.

Anonymous said...

What's that smell? Is that me? Oh, it's you...

Anonymous said...

I see.

Becky said...

Yeesh. Nice chest tats, pit-sniffer!

Anonymous said...

not even forseeing this love connect, she totally shaved her pits for this. admirable.

Jesika Lin said...

UGH EMO BEARD. kill it. do not reward its behavior with dancing.
seriously, when did chicks start finding the 'ive been on a bender sleeping on the bus station floor for two days' look attractive? WTF GIRLS.

Virgtastic said...

Dirty boys = sexy. Or maybe it's the DANGER look... that or the risk of crabs.