Wednesday, November 4, 2009

RIP Geocities

This is what I felt like was happening to my heart when Yahoo announced last week it was deleting all free Geocities sites.  Just piss on my heart, why don't you? How people going to be able to sign the guestbook on my Reel Big Fish fansite now??

This guy wears shants, he probably knows what I'm talking about.... Pour one out for my Web 1.0 homies.


Wes said...

wow, a mention of Reel Big Fish and shants in the same post? You just blew my mind

Anonymous said...

Man, that RBF site was awesome, too.

Rachel said...

oh man i had a ska geocities site back in the day... course i actually moved it to a URL a year later but i'll always remember 1.0.

Anonymous said...

haha i had a site for 'good music' that i think only featured RBF and rage against the machine. oh middle school

Miss Soggy Smog said...

RIP!!!! Damn, all those quality sites...

Just need to say that this is the BEST BLOG OF ALL TIME> !@!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

a big share of geocities have been saved on =)

Anonymous said...

viagra online said...

haha i had a site for 'good music' that i think only featured RBF and rage against the machine. oh middle school

henry said...

oh man i had a ska geocities site back in the day... course i actually moved it to a URL a year later but i'll always remember 1.0.

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