Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I was looking through some of my old pictures lately, and I saw one where I was doing the devil horns hand signal.  I wanted to build a time machine, go back in time to the past me just before the picture was taken, grab a rope and a butcher's cleaver, tie my arm down and chop off my index and pinky fingers so that I could never, ever make that photo happen.


kale said...

It's still better than 'the universal hand-sign of cunnilingus'...

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought the bridesmaids' dresses your cousin used were the worst ever...

Unknown said...

Wait, the Devil's horn hand sign is the most regretful portion of this picture?

Anonymous said...

Ditto. You regret the devil horns more than anything else in this picture? Or are you being sly?

Anonymous said...

Id still hit that

Brian said...

Or go back in time to when you were a young girl and tell your father to pay more attention to you so you don't become a stripper in a third-rate floor show to make up for the attention you never got from daddy...

Unknown said...
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Sabby G said...

It looks like Lisa Frank threw up on them. And had Ed Hardy do their hair.

PartyPooped said...

omg SOOO lisa frank!!