Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jazzed Brunch

You know why I love these girls? According to this photo's description, this is brunch. Look how awesome and buzzed they are and how much red lipsticked they are wearing before 2pm on a Sunday. Please let me be one of you Bad Girls:


dave said...

if that's brunch i want to see what dinner looks like.

Anonymous said...

aww they're lovely

blackfoot said...

lilly allen has never looked better.

Dusty Brown said...

OMG That is my friend, Anjeanetta, in the middle!

Anonymous said...

that is me on the right !?!? how funny! that was a GREAT brunch!

Anonymous said...

So can Katie come hang out with you guys or what?

Dave said...

so ladies, need anyone to uhh cook you up some vegan pancakes?

BabySquids said...

That's my apartment! I miss karaoke brunch..

jasmine said...

badass lookin' ladies!