Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lazy Man Costumes: Don Draper

Speaking of lazy man costumes, I forgot about last year's popular lazy man costume, Don Draper from "Mad Men". Not only is it lazy, but it's the man equivalent of the "sexy witch/cop/angel" costume: it's an excuse to look more sexually appealing than you usually do. But the difference here is that it's just putting on a suit and running a comb through your hair for once. Guys are such disgusting slobs that this is looking presentable is so foreign to them that it's a crazy role-playing costume.

Here are some guys who got on the intercom in their executive office and had their secretary connect them to the switchboard to phone in Halloween for them:

Don and Betty couple costumes. These hurt because they're missing the real authentic aspect of the characters: being ridiculously good looking. Owies.


jennifer said...

number 8 is actually HOT.

samurai said...

photobomber alert - no. 7

Gerald Stones said...

I have a Draper suit combined with a cow costume and I keep my junk and extra smokes in the udders.

huffer1 said...

Friday Trivia:

Third from the bottom is Amir Blumenfeld - of College Humor and Jake and Amir fame.

Anonymous said...

These Don Drapers look more like Pete Campbells and Salvatores.

And by that I do mean less dashingly handsome and more big head nerd and/or gay.

cait said...

yeah I was thinking the same about 8. mmm.

leila said...

The woman who dressed up as Joan did pretty well. She's hot. Joan is hot.

Johnson said...

God these are brutal. If you're going to be this incredibly lazy, at least get the right suit. The guy with the double wide tie and double-breasted suit should seriously look into killing himself.
As should the man drinking a pink beverage and the guy with glasses on.

Seth said...

I'm the first "Don Draper" on the list and that was my costume last year.

I used pomade (and not gel) in my hair and, believe it or not, the day prior to the photo I had a full beard, so I did do *some* work.

Still, point taken. I fully expect a lot of guys to rock this "costume" this year.

Thanks for featuring me!

-- chase said...

For what it's worth, Seth, I thought yours was the only decent Don in the bunch.

kdub_nyc said...

#11, I think the guy on the left is wearing a giant cock and balls costume.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Johnson, you're right. I should have sacrificed my ability to see in favor of getting all of the details right for a party costume. It's an especially insightful critique coming from someone named after male genitalia.

Still, I'm going to pass on the suicide suggestion. Hopefully, you'll learn to live with your outrage over my nearsightedness and lack of contact lenses. - Guy With The Glasses On

Josh said...

Hoo boy. Guy with the glasses on needs to get contacts. I hear those dudes get laid more.

I'm going as a "ZING!!!" for Halloween.

brendan donnelly said...

amazing post

farmanimalsrock said...


Viagra Without Prescription said...

well I don't call this lazy, maybe is only they want looks elegant or nice, so many women love a total suit dress, inclusive I make a research about this, I out one dress of this and go to some bar to drink something, I back to my house with a girl and 15 phones numbers.

Virgtastic said...

#5 TOTALLY used a Sharpie to draw stripes on his Beatlejuice costume and it dried out on him. I know, I speak from experience.