Thursday, September 17, 2009

Man Day Thursday

Sometimes people send me pictures of themselves or their friends. Sometimes those pictures are of men. And at least once a week, it's Thursday. Do the math, Corky: you've got reader submitted Man Day Thursday!!!


Brick the Fish said...

Pic #4: MAN GRAVY.

Soundpimp said...

Haha picture #6 is me at my going away party. I am going to kill whoever submitted it! So awesome though...

Anonymous said...

Is there and arrow sticking out of the guy on the left in pic #1?

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I <3 Man Day Thursday.

Anonymous said...

mmm, MMM! guy #8!!

Anonymous said...

ditto what anon 1:21 said!!!!!!!

Becky said...

Haha Soundpimp you look so determined to make yourself a pair of yellow-tape pants!

spectacular views said...

wow thats a whole lot of man day thursday. sweet

kdub_nyc said...

I love the air guitar faces.

Megan said...

I never thought there existed a photo that combined (1) a goggles-tan, (2) a supremely tucked in shirt on a Christopher Reeve look-alike, and (3) an out-of-control ginormo-style mustache... but then photo #5 came into my life, and I'm better for it.

brendan donnelly said...

epic post.

i wish i had a penguin friend said...

the redhead in pic 7 looks a lot like someone i went to college with... which makes 2 photos now that I didn't submit and knew the people in them. Makes me nervous that I am next

Unknown said...

Yes! Megan, you are the smartest person on the internet! I was hoping someone had commented on #5 (or "The Cinco" as I now call it) before me.

- guy on the right posing as if he were standing on the front of a ship
- guy on the left giving a quick touch to the penis
- trash girl in the back
-picture crashers on the right featuring the guy with the mustache all fake mustaches are modeled after
- the tiniest stripper (behind the bar)

Dear Jesus, please make this picture into one of those Magic Eye posters so I can live in this world!

Anonymous said...

this look a little weird, so many men alone in a pool, dude I don't know what you think about that, but in my case is so gay, in my personal case I used viagra without prescription to avoid this kind of weird situations.

Virgtastic said...

Holy cockfest (#4).
#6-I wince thinking of the pain inflicted when tearing off the yellow tape.