Thursday, May 21, 2009


I like looking at pictures of losers partying because it makes me feel better about myself. So when I see some ridiculously good looking people having a ridiculously good time, I get infuriated. The only thing to calm me down is I focus on thinking about how most likely, in the last 2 years, they've had a really disgusting wet fart.


Anonymous said...

nope, I don't get it.

also, first. let's start doing this here

Anonymous said...

Um... what?

Anonymous said...

I think this was her night.

Patrick Yeagle said...

He's probably one of those assholes who take their dogs around to meet chicks.

It's a fairly effective hook, but it's also amateur. You gotta step it up, son! Get yourself a hyena like this guy:

Imagine how many chicks he gets!

scott said...


Anonymous said...

Holy poop, that hyena is hardcore!

Anonymous said...

Or maybe the dog could have a wet fart?

Anonymous said...

sometimes, when i close i my eyes, i wish i could unsee the that dog's owner's mangina.

brendan donnelly said...

ha, thanks katie!

Virgtastic said...

I've had the shittiest of shitty days today, and reading the last part of your blog entry made me chuckle... just a little, but it was worth it :)

PartyPooped said...

dont' be too flattered, brendan. i'm imagining you shitting your pants.

profp said...

Isn't that Brendan Donnelly? (and, no, you don't know me - I read his blog!)

segfault said...

She's hot.

hard liquor; soft holes said...

i was there. JEALOUS???

Kerry said...

That dog is totally trying to get a peek.

Anonymous said...

aw, she's the cutest