Thursday, May 7, 2009

My New Favorite Passed Out Picture

I expect it from some college kids or bummed out looking dudes, so when well dressed bankers pass out in a fast food joint and heartlessly pour condiments on their friend's head, it's like falling in love all over again.

To make my heart flutter even more, this photo was taken by my old roommate, who apparently is amassing a collection of his own photos of strangers passed out in public, as I discovered when I got a notification on Facebook that he had tagged me in a photo, and I got all excited CUZ I'M VAIN and love pictures of myself, but it turned out to be a guy passed out on a bus with his head wedged against the front window.

He also has a really great idea for a bong tattoo.

My doppelganger is sleepy:


jjdaddyo said...

Is that mustard? It looks like a baby shit on his head...

SLEBBO! said...

But thats not mustard and it's not mcdonalds. It's an kebabplace and the guy has pepperoncinis on his head. *DUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH!!!!!!!* haha

PartyPooped said...

if you're focusing on the condiments or the location, you're missing out on being swept off your feet.

Jacey said...

I'm swept as well. That's awesome.

spectacular views said...

being swept off my feet by the funny hot indian man aahhhh

Anonymous said...

Cory that you?

Dave said...

I hope you dress better than your doppleganger.

Kevin said...

all in a typical London Saturday night

Anonymous said...

this needs to be on hahahahah

Discount Furniture Santa Monica said...

Lol. I love the sleeping on the metro picture. I never knew that the human body can fold that way.