Tuesday, April 28, 2009

World Wide Web's Most Famous Party Pictures

I have the attention of a 4 year old whose parents don't subscribe to the "time out" school of discipline, so when I say something has Come To My Attention, that means it's pretty shocking. What has recently come to my attention is that there are still people who have never seen what are are undoubtedly the Most Famous Party Pictures on the internet. The provenance of all of these is completely obscured, the best information I can give is that the puking picture has been around since at least 2004, and that I suspect the guitar family picture is either staged or photoshopped.

If you have never seen these, feel ashamed and please report to Remedial /b/ 101.

"Thumb head"

"Guitar Hero"

"Splatter Puke"


Jess L said...

Wow, I've never seen any of those, but the puke picture is spectacular.

Milu said...

Thumb head will haunt me at night.

-- chase said...

Holy crap, I can't stop laughing at thumb head for some reason.

Robert H said...

Seriously? No love for Guitar Hero yet? Let me be the first to chime in then. It has a subtle brilliance that never fails to confuse the hell out of me.

Dave said...


Anonymous said...

In "guitar hero", I am more disturbed by the man in the background dropping trou than I am by the arguably photoshopped rocker in front.

Dave said...

Is that The Incredible Thumb Head's tard brother standing to his left?

Anonymous said...

The kid in Guitar Hero has CLEARLY been edited into the picture.

-T said...

I don't care if Guitar Hero kid was Photoshopped. I hope to use that picture as a guideline for living my life from this moment onward. But when I read "guitar hero" I thought the picture was going to be this gem... http://photos-e.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v192/99/43/715625152/n715625152_2652772_4764.jpg

PartyPooped said...

Understandable you might have thought of the Hairy Gun Enthusiast, but it's not a "party picture", it's just my #1 j.o material.

Anonymous said...

wow those are all so awesome

Cris said...

The puke photo has been around since at least 1995. Saw it in a snowboard magazine called "Plow". The sheer East coast-ness of it is the icing on the cake (the guy in the white t shirt in the shot you posted has been photoshopped in...the real version shows a guy wearing a "Fitchburg" shirt.)

Love the Guitar Hero shot.

Your site rules, by the way.

Ian S. said...

Okay, whether Guitar Hero is photoshopped or not, that child was in that pose in some place, at some point in time on this earth. And that is one hell of a rocking pose!

PartyPooped said...

Cris- good call. You're totally right, the version I posted was someone's photoshop version and not the original. I just googled "puke" and that was the first hit. I'm going to change it to the real pic now!!!

lux said...

man, i have seen these pics forever, but never realised the man dropping his pants in guitar hero! thats just wrong

giraffe said...

thumb head. HOW?

Anonymous said...

Your blog is always a delight. But with "thumb head" it achieved transcendence.

jeff in chicago said...

wow. just wow. i've seen #2 and #3, but Thumb Head is new to me. classic. brilliant. non-Darwinian.

zee said...

thumb head is the best thing i have ever seen in my entire life. i must meet him...

Anonymous said...

Guitar Hero looks like a young John Daly in the making

Maxcelcat said...

That "Puking through the nose picture", I saw it in early 2000. It was implied that it had been taken in Australia on new years eve at the end of 1999. But I doubt the attribution is correct.

Funny picture though!