Sunday, April 5, 2009

Totally Hetro Hot Tub


Brian said...

If there was a picture of these gay douchebags blowing each other, it would be less gay than this one...

Brian said...

Looks like a recipe for homo soup. Two gay guys, 20 gallons of tepid, jizz filled bath water, and two cans of beer.

Anonymous said...

Nice rug burn. I suppose the one on the left is the catcher.

Scotch and Salad said...

It's not gay if you're crying and punching each other while you do it.

neil said...

Sometimes it's fun to push the limits of male friendship, see who cracks first. Non-chick chicken.

Rachel said...

Is it just me or is there a yellowish/greenish tint to the water? Nice.

mudphud said...

What is underwater next to the left ankle of the guy on the right? Is that a condom?

Anonymous said...

hey, homophobes, shut the F up.

Elizabeth A. said...

I really wish that was Tim Tebow.

Impress Mekuh said...

Awesome! lol how gay