Thursday, April 30, 2009

Operation Airdrop Dr. Drew Into Afghanistan

You run a country funded by the opium trade, and guess what? You're going to end up with a lot of people in church basements taking it one day at a time.


Zen Wizard said...

A million captions come to mind, but I am working on being more PC and less ethnocentric.

Anonymous said...

this post isn't funny or clever. it's as close as you've come to being a racist.

Anonymous said...

Off by a couple thousand miles and a religion.

Have the meds worn off yet?

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Huney, this isn't Afghanistan. It's somewhere in South East Asia.

Tsk tsk.

PartyPooped said...

See, the joke is that it's clearly not an Afghani AA meeting.

Dave said...

Yes, please stop posting these racist captions and stick to photos of dumb old white people looking semi-retarded. People are being offended :O

Also: pink hijabs?

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Yes, they don't just come in black Dave.

Medic2RN said...

Yes Party Pooper, please remove the gun that you are placing up to the peoples head to visit your blog. Also please consider releasing just the women & children that you have as hostages to make people come here and look at these pictures. It is the right thing to do.

Keep up the funny stuff.

Stay Safe,

Anonymous said...

Could not stop laughing!!! and for all the "racist nay-sayers" get a sense of humor!