Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Throw a Beach Party

Can't wait for summer? Throw yourself a beach party in your apartment like Lisa and her friends in these pictures did.

This is also a pretty good idea if you've got some "f you" money floating around and you don't need the security deposit on your apartment back.


Chum said...

I wish you had some more pictures. Never saw anything like that before. A gold star for originality maybe?

That Hank said...

What's going on back there on that other couch? Monster humping person?

sasa said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do you think drinking was involved here?

Czar Nicholas said...

Epic. Goddamn epic.

Joel said...

that's a classic frat party motif. I can only assume it also smells like balls in the apartment.

Lisa said...

Haha, I won't take all the credit, it wasn't my house :P Drinking was definitly involved! My friend passed out with a blowup kangaroo on her, I think it was named Ed or something... "smells like balls?" (...English isnt my native language :P)

Beto said...

"Balls" is slang for testicles.

Meredith said...

I hope they don't have cats.

Kid Douche said...

Brian Wilson would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Are there more photos of this? This might be the best houseparty ever :)

matt said...

76% of crabs in that apt.

kdub_nyc said...

Yesterday leaving my gym I noticed they have a number of bags of "play sand" downstairs with the rest of their renovation supplies... I can only hope they are planning on doing something like this. Beach volleyball!

Lisa said...

""Balls" is slang for testicles."
Yeah i know.. ok, i thought about it meaning that, but i figured it ment something else, because i can't imagine a house smelling like balls :P
a "bal" in dutch means something like a stuck-up rich person...
i do have more pictures but i dont think te people on them would agree to posting them :P

Anonymous said...

They're renting out Brian Wilson's place. You just missed the piano in the corner.

beerlitcandledrinkpicnic said...

The dumbell's a nice touch -- extending, perhaps, the motif towards Muscle Beach.

Unknown said...

Aw man! This happened in one of the res bathrooms at my school a few years back. I wasn't there at the time but it sounded awesome.