Sunday, March 8, 2009

Preschool Teacher Beer Pong


sarawithnoh said...

Definitely had some MILFs at my elementary school!

Kid Douche said...

Looks like they're having a blast.

Unknown said...

The TV on the microwave is the most puzzling piece of work in this Canadian drama...

jjdaddyo said...

TV on the Microwave? I love that band!

Anonymous said...

My concern about that T.V. is the fact that she hasn't gotten her digital converter box. What are the children going to do all day?

Brian said...

That pic makes me think that baby fat is contagious and those two caught a bad case of it from their students...

matt said...

In Canada all you need to do is attach the TV to the microwave to get the new digital signals.

Kyndra said...

Yikes, this photostream is terrifying! Especially when you get to the part where they start booty-shaking in the living room with panties on the ouside!

A said...

I was a preschool teacher in my early 20's and I have to say, pretty much all of us loved to party.

One guy had a massive stash of acid and would take like 11 tabs at a time on the weekends. Two others built a pretty cool hookah out of wood and we had a christening party where we all dropped acid and smoked loads of pot. People are always somewhat shocked when I tell them these things, but hey.. we were awesome teachers on duty, so go figure.

Way fun.. glad to see we weren't the only preschool party animals.