Friday, February 13, 2009

Nark Bait

Is it me, or are the 18 year old girls they use as bait/narcs for To Catch a Predator getting more and more obvious? Is the whole "I'm just making some frozen margaritas" routine wearing thin, and they're trying to kick it up a notch by just having the girls have armloads of booze?


Brian said...

I'm glad to see they are throwing some gay teen boys into the Predator scenario to catch the NAMBLA crowd...

Anonymous said...

i see some german beer in the mix. dad's not gonna be happy when he finds his beer is missing.

Anonymous said...

I am a little scared of the girl in the red scarf...I feel like if you wave a raw steak in front of her she'd bite your hand off.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i wasn't the only one to assume that kid was gay!