Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Disproportionate Brews


Chum said...

I'm so in love. To hell with a pint, how bout an 80 oz.?

Anonymous said...

person watching from the background: man or woman?

my instinct says man but then I over think it and it becomes unclear again...

spectacular views said...

a woman, for sure...

also, i have to love americanized german festivities, the gigantic steins are wonderful and efficient

Anonymous said...

for once I am EXTREMELY sorry I missed this party

Anonymous said...

ps Sitty Living...I think it's a chic.

kdub_nyc said...

Do want.

Patrick Yeagle said...

They're pretty big, I guess...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the people are just really tiny.

Anonymous said...

If it woul be some American beer, it would be too much (of piss!), but with some nice german beer, I'd take it in my body in a minute!

Maybe with some salted-peppered cheese!

hard liquor; soft holes said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous I really don't want to know what you'd "take it in my body in a minute!". Dirty boy...

nope said...

"I swear, I just had one mug of beer at the Oktoberfest beer tent." This is an excellent practice in semantics.

Anonymous said...

sarah palin?! is that u?!