Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Thanks, Matt.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. Reminds me of BangBus in a horrible way.

Brian said...

I'll bet anyone $10 the people in this picture are from the Midwest.

1.) Hugely overweight
2.) No fashion sense
3.) Doc Marten sandals
4.) Excited about being in a limo

Anonymous said...

Grape Pucker in side pocket

Robert H said...

Ooo girl. Live it up! Treat yo self!

Czar Nicholas said...

I hope the Bon Jovi show was awesome.

Greg said...

Why do people feel compelled to make a spectacle of themselves whilst riding in a limo? I mean - is there any viable reason to say "look at me in this rented car with the cheesy lighting, cheap leather, and piss-poor fuel economy.. LOOK AT MEEEEE!"


I guess it's like "fine dining" at Red Lobster in the midwest, or something.

I'd rather ride my bike than take a limo anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Do not want!

Kid Douche said...

Swap the white pants with sweat pants and the purse for a bag of Fritos and you get a sneak peek at your future ex-wife. Time travel!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they just had a sheltered up bringing?
Is the midwest really that terrible?
Bon Jovi rocks!!!!! : )

Chum said...

Yeah, the Midwest can get pretty bad. That being said, having lived on the East coast as well as the West, I'd say in America, it's pretty bad all over:Different location, different brand of asshole.