Thursday, January 8, 2009

All Mine


Anonymous said...

Deaf girls always sing the creepiest songs.

Cris said...

That is one ugly lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Really pretty song... Really creepy video...

Anonymous said...

Portishead, really creepy ganja band. (I thought ganja made things NOT creepy)

Anonymous said...

My worlds are colliding. I've subscribed to MoJimmy's RSS/Flickr feed since late 2007/early 2008. His pictures are 100% awesome. In fact, I'd probably pay him money if he started a blog. And then I saw his pic pop up here and was amazed. Nice find. Hopefully now more people will witness the genius that is MoJimmy.

PartyPooped said...

You're in luck - I just checked his Flickr profile, and he DOES have a blog:

Anonymous said...

What an incredible Friday surprise. That's what I get for subscribing via RSS and never checking out his actual Flickr profile. Awesome, awesome.

He's on Twitter, too.

Thanks much!

James Shirley said...

wow, I didn't know I had a following like this, thanks for the post and hope I can continue to be awesome for you guys.

-- MoJimmy