Monday, December 1, 2008

Russian Teenage Party

These are photos of teenagers in Russia. The 2-liter bottles on the table I'm told is a beer called "Uralskiy Master". I love any pictures of teenagers partying in their parents' house, and I love learning about new beers, especially a kind of beer sold in a plastic 2-liter bottle.

If anyone knows where I can find that insane Egyptian themed sweater the guy in the foreground is wearing, tell me now. I would kill my own mother for one (sorry, mom).

UPDATE: Apparently, you can buy the shirt at (who knew my favorite fashion site was a poster liquidator?):
Too bad it only comes in L and XL.

Thanks to Haig for the pictures.


Anonymous said...

The Egyptian themed sweater guy has a pretty sweet haircut too. I'd kill my mother for one of those.

jjdaddyo said...

How do you say "forty ounce" in russian?

Anonymous said...

It's a tee shirt, not a sweater.

Unknown said...

You can buy the t-shirt here:

Anonymous said...

buying beer in plastic two liter bottles is the norm in eastern europe. you can get drunk for about 65 cents a liter.

brendan donnelly said...

im buying it!

Anonymous said...

Are mullets huge in Russia or something? If so, I'm moving there.

cleanmypatio said...

i bought that shirt a couple weeks ago on ebay

Grasna said...

Exactly what shifty powers said. Its Kvas which is basically a non alcoholic drink made out of wheat :).

probably some russian kids trying to act cool, lol.

Viagra Without Prescription said...

I have a Russian work partner, she tall me about this beer and this kind of parties, in the pictures look like this young they having a good time.