Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Best of Sorry I Missed Your Party: Best Babes

If you've ever seen photos of yourself at a party and been absolutely revolted, you're not alone. At the end of a night of partying, most of us have smeared eyeliner, pitstains, half-opened eyes, and are too busy talking about ourselves to be even within spitting distance of attractive. These few babes have managed to defy this rule, and actually manage to look both soused and saucy.

Hottest Guy Getting Photobomed by a Short Latino Man:


Sara O. said...

I love the way the girl with the Sparks can got her shirt to match her eyes. That's pretty hard to do when you have eyes that color.

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

That trailer park picture will haunt me in my sleep. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says "I party like a rock star" like a feathered mullet, tablecloth floral dress, and good ol' Bartles & James

Anonymous said...

I'm SO in love with the the face-writer.

Oh, and this blog.

Anonymous said...

trailer woman looks like the one recently featured on an episode of "My big redneck wedding"

lesli said...

first two don't look THAT terrible, in my opinion. could be much worse.