Thursday, November 6, 2008

Video Game Brain

The problem with playing video games and reading comic books all day is that you start actually believing the outside world is made up of hookers with a heart of gold and big thuggish antiheroes. You go out on a typical Saturday night with your nerdy buddies, and you start thinking everyone actually looks like this:

Thanks to Meredith for the photo.


Anonymous said...

you can just about see her no no cha cha

Anonymous said...

Modesty is apparently not a problem of hers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HAHA! This was taken at the Tryst. A club in the Wynn in Las Vegas on Halloween night. It was a great party with tons of people just like this!

Anonymous said...

Good gravy, I hope they sterilize that bar she is straddling. Oof

Paul Petch said...


Kiara said...

Never got the chance to see the picture. So I just want to say if you guys have spare time, kindly visit our Download Games. Apparently, this has numerous games that I know you'll love to play.

Addicting Games said...

It's too bad that the picture is already been removed. Actually I'm really curious on this Video Games brain picture.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I am so late... why does the image has been removed? What does this Video Games Brain look like?