Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Not Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiirr!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like someone told this guy it was his turn for a beer run.


jjdaddyo said...

No way, that's a disco party pose-- I bet "I Will Survive" just came on.

The Honorable Mayor of Bethville said...

The next morning when the Gryffindor common room was a shambles, it was Ron Weasley who was to blame. For he was the one who gave Harry the Firewhiskey in the first place.

Anonymous said...

You've gotta love the braided belt. Apparently he was too trashed to remember it's supposed to be tucked back into itself. tsk tsk.

Anonymous said...

He looks more like he's goin "lets partyyyyy"


Anonymous said...

btw why did u change the URL image from the sexy balloons to the cheesy Blogger icon?

Anonymous said...

Is there a ghost in the doorway?

Anonymous said...

this guy is seriously adorable
i want to smooch him!

Anonymous said...

this is my picture. it's fine that you used it, i'd just appreciate it if you ask next time if you want to use one of my images.

Unknown said...

he just won at rubiks cube

Anonymous said...

Also... lipstick?