Sunday, September 14, 2008

UPDATE: Party Crew

A few days ago, I posted a picture titled "Party Crew". Just now, the guy whose picture it was commented on the post with a link to one of his other photos, also of a couple of guys who may have had a few donuts too many, but still clearly know how to have a good time.

Here he is again at a pool party. You know how people always say that confidence is the sexiest attribute a person can have? Q.E.D., my friends.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Jenny Craig was taking the picture?

Jeff said...

My question is, did the guy on the left swim with that leather trenchcoat on? That seems like a fun party right there.

Certified said...

Of course I swam with my trench coat on. Anything else just wouldn't make sense.

Unknown said...

These dudes obviously have more fun than all of you suckas put together.