Thursday, September 11, 2008

Party Crew


Mikker said...

You see, this is what we Europeans think of Americans.

Why is that lady even pulling up her shirt?

Chum said...

Oh my god, you totally said what I was going to write.

baby doll dress said...

Ok, did any body see the face of the only normal looking guy with the red T-shirt.
he looks like he was forced to be there.

Lindsay Welbers said...

i disagree, the guy in the red shirt looks like their creepy friend who may or may not stab a bitch.

matt said...

3 tons of fun.

Sara O. said...

As if we needed to see the guy in the left corner is carrying a to go box? Like there is really anything left to take home after this bunch ate together.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention the Goth component.

Anonymous said...

For the love of...

Just get the fat jokes out of your system, children.

Then we can move out of high school.

That's right. I am looking at YOU matt.

baby doll dress said...

I thought smoking makes you lose weight, and black kind of slims you!
clearly it is not helping with this few.
Ok Goth and pool side flip-flops don't go together......
no that I will like to see this bunch with pool side fashions any time soon, can you say BARF.

Certified said...
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Certified said...

You Missed the Pool Party Too Wankers