Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A True Enthusiast

Welcome to the House of Booze. There's a Budweiser mirror on the wall, a Jagermeister bottle on the fireplace next to another unknown bottle. And this guy? He's just representing what he loves most, wearing a Jack Daniels t-shirt.


Anonymous said...

the little girl on the left of the photo is PHOTOBOMBING the shot!!!

Thanks for cracking me up.

Anonymous said...

Lokks like our Christmas pic.

Unknown said...

Oh god...they let these people vote.

Zen Wizard said...

At least--if that is a box of whole wheat donuts--they are getting their fiber.

hard liquor; soft holes said...

i really really enjoy uncle marc jacobs giving that kid a noogie on the side.

Unknown said...

Flippin ROCKS