Thursday, May 8, 2008

Watch out where you pass out

Look, I don't want to dissuade anyone from doing the responsible thing and crashing on the floor instead of driving home after a long night of partying.

Just be aware of what underwear you are wearing that day...


hard liquor; soft holes said...

i like the black nail polish JUST ON HIS THUMB and the cigarette burn on her inner thigh. she CUTS b/c it's the only way she can FEEEEELLLL.

hard liquor; soft holes said...

oh, my bad, that's a he-male, not a she-male.

Anonymous said...

those are girls.

Anonymous said...

And OMG, was that blanket she is laying on strategically placed there to sop up the inevitable drunkin piss? Too funny! Sad, but still so funny!